It is interesting to find a common focus for interpreting information such as this. It all depends on one’s partisan viewpoint. In the briefest possible way I would like to get to the bottom of all the problems arising from Splane’s assertions that there were no appointed representatives of God up to 1900 or later.
If you govern a religion then you require some credence from the Bible to justify your existence. The Catholic Church for example claims its descent from Jesus’ appointee Peter, the Watchtower claims appointment by holy spirit in 1919. The ever changing perception of the FDS is their attempt to justify their bedrock teaching by perpetually directing the faithful to be mindful of their leadership. It is group narcissism. If they are wrong about the Watchtower in-house myth of 1919, then there can be no basis for following this religion, they should admit it and pack their bags.
My solution to this is simple. The fundamental manifestation of God is “holy spirit”. It has no basis in reality, it is unknowable by the human if you have your head secured to your neck you are advised to not believe infantile stories such as ”holy spirit”. If you believe in magic fairy dust otherwise called “holiness” then you will continue to struggle with reality. If you believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God you will forever be mired in delusions and mysteries.
Since the Greek scriptures are a fusion of all politically important religious beliefs of the fourth century, they are an attempt at harmonising the disparate superstitions of that era. It was inevitable they would not all gel together...but with magic ”holy spirit”, all things can be made to appear in union. Bear in mind the target audience back then lived in a pre-scientific, pre- literate superstitious world populated with gods and demons... And people want to base their life on this today?
Ok most of us here don’t like the Watchtower organisation but some, like Melete Vivlon take as their starting point that the Bible is to be respected as sacred.
Here lies the fundamental problem for all who try to give any interpretation of the Bible, be it JW or other religious persuasions; you can contrive endless dogma and doctrine from it according to your disposition. There can never be a coherent, water-tight interpretation of the Bible. It is a will o’ the wisp, a dream. The reason for this is that much of the Bible is a fusion of pagan folk myth masquerading as divine truth.
"Holiness" is a confidence trick, give it up.